Vie Vever'faer

† Lady of the Blackwarp †

Vicious. Bloodthirsty. Ruthless. One must be all these things and more to survive.Upon the planes of the Azim Steppe, one garners immense respect for forces larger than they, and an eye for those surmountable; this harmony with nature and the savage trials which engender Xaela culture, prepared Vie for the challenges of the broader world, and the thirst to overcome them.Discipline is her foremost weapon while loyalty serves as her patron virtue... and violence her dearest vice. Duty and honor, too, rest highest on the mantle of Vie's heart. But don't be fooled by the gilded trappings of authority and control; beneath them beats the heart of something sinister and old.

Small dragon will call you a fuckhead and feed you stew


Dark Æther:
Your character has a connection to elemental Darkness, and want to explore it. So does Vie; it is the only element composing her soul. Embrace the darkling food chain, seek kinship, or even the patron-boon of her black blood.
Demon Slayer:
if you're Voidsent, she probably wants to eat you. Vie is a huntress specially trained to counter, combat, subvert, and overcome "demons"—beings and magic of the void. There is nothing more in this world she despises more, nor finds more complete purpose in destroying. Something in her physiology and technique extinguishes the soul and prevents its ressurection. Voidies are one of her few fields of occult expertise!
A Champion True:
You need a protector, a loyal companion to carry out your will like a Daimyo or Lord/Lady. Oaths are everything; men are made and broken by them, and to Vie, no oath is more sacred than one of Service. We’ll have to talk about it in fair depth.
Hired Muscle:
You have a job that requires the expertise of a slayer, or maybe just a body guard. Vie’s thirst for violence will serve you well, especially if the stakes are high, the prey is novel, or you show a high degree of ambition.
The Warrior's Spirit:
Your character’s strong foundations in warrior culture bring you to a kindred soul. Warriors abide in Duty, Strength, and Discipline, and are more than blade and brawn; they are the knowledgeable occultist and the craftsman of vessels that may sail the stars.
Xaela and the Steppe:
Vie wanders the world now, but the Steppe will always live in her. Even if you’re not Xaela, or have some kind of unique spin on Xaela culture, then let’s break bread and do some cultural exchange! Bonus points if you’ve got an inspiration you’re passionate about.
Progeny of Dragonkind:
In Vever’faer tradition, the Sun and Moon—Azim and Nhaama—the primordial dragons, created the sky, then the world, at their union. But they were not mortal, and so from stardust made their son, "Great Grandfather" and sent him to our World of Dust; from his children do Au Ra descend. Vie is particularly zealous in her worship of Bahamut, Lord of Battle, and thanks him for the form she now inhabits. Dragons and dragon themes welcome!
Matters of Faith:
You want to explore Faith, or wipe it out. Vie sees the world through the eyes of a folk hero on the path of prophecy. There is magic all around, the stars keep secrets you can divine, and sacrifice and perseverance carry real weight. Faith is everything to Vie; hers and others’. Whatever your faith is, she would love to see it in action, too.
Beauty in Violence:
Turning violence into artistry is Vie’s forté. No torture, protracted gloating; every kill should be explosive and quick and serve as Shock and Awe for the enemies that survive. If the theme is dark and gruesome, if monsters abound, or gets thematically dark, I’m in.
A Monk by Any Other Name:
To lose control of one's Wrath is an immoral personal failing. Marrying the martial, spiritual, and philosophical, the monk's path comes naturally to one seeking answers with an open mind; and she has no illusion that she could ever open 14. After all, she only has 7, but the goal is only the journey. Rhalgr's Fist becomes Bahamut's Claw. (Roughly, Mu no Ken and Dark Hadou apply, renamed to Las Doldrumas and El Huracán.)
Vie's heritage helped her abide well in the Shroud after fleeing the pyroclasm in her homeland, as a second home. Gifted an imitation Monoa Mask by the Wailers—a mask she still wears to this day—part of the Shroud is always with her where she goes. Vie will actually break your arm if you're traveling with her and you litter.


Voice Claim: Wendy Powell➤ I'm old enough to be able to ignore age restrictions anywhere. (except senior discounts, wheeeeey m8)
➤ No minors, IC or OOC.
➤ I have no limits on what you attempt; just ask first! Success not guaranteed. :)
Adventure calls to me, and I want to keep the company of others who love to be creative. That means so long as you're not playing a lore character, I choose your creativity over strict adherence to what we've been shown. Bonus points if you're a dragon in disguise or something wild. All I ask is that you don't godmode or trivialize any part of my own RP.I love conflict, characters being put through the metaphorical grinder, and giving their all to overcome a challenge. I also like writing dark and morally questionable scenes, and oh my god, do I love characters that are just absolute monsters. It has to be done well though; shock value is a negative. So if things we're doing ever get dicey, we'll do a consent check in. Informed, enthusiastic consent is required for any kind of conflict and consequence, and I think we should be able to talk something out before committing to it.And a quick note about Void Hunting: I designed her to be very good at destroying a special kind of monster that, in my intent, was supposed to be NPCs. Turns out a lot of people play those. I want to be transparent in that, even if you're a player Voidsent, I will not downplay my character's expertise, and if it becomes a conflict, won't restrain. We can still negotiate, but I want to be up front.

The Vever'faer Tribe

brief blurb about the tribe. spiritual, warriors, flexible leadership, dragons

Life in the Desert

tribal structure and notes and details!


Vie's tribe takes inspiration primarily from Mongolian tribes of the Gobi desert, and desert dwelling peoples of Mesoamerica.But why though? Because I'm someone of Hispanic descent, I'm from the Mojave, and I want to share what I find beautiful in these things.Just like her culture, the desert that Vie comes from is a mish-mash of both regions. You'll see cacti and wild garlic, and Joshua Trees and Peashrubs—they make buuz and khuitsaa and kumis; but also chocchoyotes and fideo and pulque.